
High THC Cannabis

Variety of tastes and feelings

Growing and smoking cannabis were completely legalized in Thailand in June 2022.

Only a very few restrictions apply including a permission to sell and not being allowed to smoke in public places.

The best Cannabis have THC levels between 20-30%.

We have a variety of Cannabis made from seeds of different Cannabis species with different tastes and feelings.

We supply from day to day using Kerry Express® all over Thailand.


Dried Cannabis Flower Buds

Raw Cannabis

The product is a 100% pure natural product.

The Cannabis plants are grown in (indoor) growhouses.

The Cannabis flowers are harvested, cleaned for leaves, and dried for 1-2 months.

The raw Cannabis Buds are supplied in vacuum bags keeping the Cannabis dry and fresh for months.


Dried Cannabis Flower Buds

Raw Cannabis

The product is a 100% pure natural product.

The Cannabis plants are grown in (indoor) growhouses.

The Cannabis flowers are harvested, cleaned for leaves, and dried for 1-2 months.

The raw Cannabis Buds are supplied in vacuum bags keeping the Cannabis dry and fresh for months.

Refined Cannabis

European Seeds

The Cannabis sold on this site is made from seeds refined in Europe.

Over the past 20-30 years Cannabis seeds have been refined in Europe increasing the THC levels dramatically.

This kind of Cannabis is know as "Skunk".

The Cannabis is from the Sativa or Indica family generics or Hybrid generics.


Pre-made Skunk Joints

High on Arrival

Cannabis Joints are pre-made "cigarettes" made from a mixture of crunched Cannabis flower buds and optionally a little tobacco (to make it easier burnable).

We have Joints both with and without tobacco added.

The Joints are made from King Size white cigarette paper with a monthpiece ("filter") made from cardboard.

The Joints are delivered in air tight plastic tubes preventing moisture from ruining the Joints.

It only takes a Lighter to get High.


Pre-made Skunk Joints

High on Arrival

Cannabis Joints are pre-made "cigarettes" made from a mixture of crunched Cannabis flower buds and optionally a little tobacco (to make it easier burnable).

We have Joints both with and without tobacco added.

The Joints are made from King Size white cigarette paper with a monthpiece ("filter") made from cardboard.

The Joints are delivered in air tight plastic tubes preventing moisture from ruining the Joints.

It only takes a Lighter to get High.

Under Construction

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